In a significant decision, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced the cancellation of the Police Constable Recruitment Examination-2023. The examination, which took place on February 17 and 18, has been scrapped, with plans for a fresh examination to be conducted within the next six months. This move comes in light of concerns raised regarding the integrity of the examination process.
The decision to cancel the examination was made following a thorough review of the investigation conducted by the Special Task Force (STF) and the actions taken thus far. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath emphasized the government’s commitment to transparency and fairness in examinations, stating that any compromise on these principles will not be tolerated. Stringent action will be taken against those found responsible for undermining the integrity of the recruitment process.
In accordance with the highest standards of integrity and transparency, the Home Department has issued an order to cancel the examination. The Recruitment Board has been directed to pursue legal measures, including the initiation of First Information Reports (FIRs), against any instances of negligence. The case will be investigated by the STF, and strict action will be taken against any individuals or institutions found guilty of misconduct.
Furthermore, the government has instructed the Recruitment Board to conduct fresh examinations within six months, ensuring comprehensive fairness. Candidates will be provided with free transportation facilities through the services of the Uttar Pradesh Transport Corporation to facilitate their participation in the new examination process.
In response to concerns raised regarding the Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (Preliminary) Examination – 2023, conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission on February 11, the Chief Minister has decided to initiate an investigation into the matter. The Department of Appointment and Personnel has issued an order to this effect.
In light of the information and complaints received by the government regarding the Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (Preliminary) Examination – 2023, it has been decided that a thorough examination of complaints will be conducted at the government level. The integrity and transparency of the examination process will be upheld through a comprehensive review of all complaints and evidence submitted.
The government has urged anyone with complaints or information regarding the Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (Preliminary) Examination – 2023 to come forward and submit their full name, address, and evidence to the email address of the Department of Personnel and Appointment at by February 27th. This step aims to ensure that all concerns are addressed and that the examination process is conducted with the utmost integrity and fairness.