Abhijit Gangopadhyay, Calcutta High Court Judge who is in the crosshairs of West Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) for ordering federal agencies to investigate at least 14 cases in the state, on Sunday told a Bengali news channel that he will resign from service on Tuesday and join politics.
“My soul tells me that my tenure as a judge is over, and it is time to enter a bigger sphere and serve people. I will put in my papers on Tuesday,” justice Gangopadhyay told ABP Ananda.
He said he may join any of the Left parties, Congress or the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and even contest the coming Lok Sabha elections.
Sixty-two-year-old Gangopadhay, joined the high court as an additional judge in 2018 and was made a permanent judge in July 2020, is scheduled to retire after three months.
He was a West Bengal Civil Service officer but quit his job around a decade ago to become a lawyer.
Justice Gangopadhyay said: “People in the ruling party made insulting and sarcastic comments against me for passing several judgements. They even dared me to quit my chair and face them. Some men in black coats (apparently pointing at lawyers) acted like agents and targeted me. I have finally made up my mind. The ruling party has brought me here today. I congratulate them.”