In a shocking development, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and several cabinet ministers have been targeted with a threatening email, raising concerns of potential explosions in Bengaluru. The email, purportedly sent by an individual named Shahid Khan, warned of a catastrophic event scheduled for Saturday, threatening to unleash havoc across the state if a hefty ransom of 2.5 million dollars isn’t paid.
The email, originating from, outlined chilling plans to cause explosions in crowded areas such as restaurants, temples, buses, and trains, with the intention of inflicting harm on prominent political figures including the Chief Minister, deputy CM DK Shivakumar, state home minister, and the Bengaluru police commissioner.
The sender threatened to escalate their actions by targeting the Ambari Utsav bus and vowed to publicize their demands on social media platforms, intensifying fear and uncertainty among residents. The demand for a colossal sum of money or face dire consequences has left authorities on high alert, with investigations underway to apprehend the perpetrators and prevent any potential catastrophe.
This alarming threat comes in the wake of a recent incident where an improvised explosive device (IED) blast rocked Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru, leaving ten individuals injured. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken charge of the investigation, exploring various leads, including possible connections to extremist groups like the IS, given similar incidents in Coimbatore and Mangaluru.
Authorities have intensified security measures, registering cases under stringent laws such as the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and Explosives Substances Act. Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar reassured residents, urging them not to panic while emphasizing the multi-pronged investigation approach undertaken by law enforcement agencies.
State Home Minister G Parameshwara echoed the sentiment, urging cooperation from all quarters and urging the opposition to refrain from politicizing the issue. With multiple teams deployed to probe the incident, authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to ensure the safety and security of Bengaluru’s residents.
The ominous threat underscores the need for heightened vigilance and swift action to thwart any potential terrorist activity, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration in combating such nefarious plots. As investigations continue, residents remain on edge, hoping for a swift resolution to this harrowing ordeal plaguing the vibrant city of Bengaluru.