In a shocking incident, a Spanish travel vlogger and her husband were allegedly attacked while on a bike tour across Bharat. The assault reportedly took place in Dumka, Jharkhand, where the woman was allegedly gang-raped by seven men. The couple was resting in a tent in a deserted area in Kurmahat village when the assault occurred.
The Jharkhand Police swiftly launched an investigation into the incident. Four suspects have been arrested, and efforts are underway to apprehend the remaining accused. The authorities have provided a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the couple under the victim compensation scheme.
Anjaneyulu Dodde, Deputy Commissioner, assured that the district administration is extending full support to the survivors. He emphasized the commitment to ensure a speedy trial and conviction of the perpetrators. The couple has been sharing their ordeal and updates regarding the case on social media platforms.
Despite facing criticism and victim-blaming, the couple defended their decision to visit Bharat. In a post in Spanish, they highlighted the importance of not generalizing the safety of a country based on isolated incidents. They stressed that incidents of rape and robbery occur worldwide, and no country is exempt from such crimes.
The survivors called for justice not only for themselves but also for all women who have experienced similar atrocities. They expressed resilience and determination not to let the incident deter them from living their lives freely. The husband expressed gratitude towards the police for their prompt investigation.
According to the police, the assault occurred within the jurisdiction of Hansdiha police station while the couple was en route to Nepal from West Bengal. The incident has sparked discussions about women’s safety and the need for effective measures to prevent such heinous crimes.