Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday laid the foundation stones for three new semiconductor plants – two in Gujarat and one in Assam. The projects, valued at ₹1.25 lakh crore, mark a crucial step towards Bharat’s efforts to become a global hub for semiconductor manufacturing. Tata Group is spearheading two of these groundbreaking ventures.
At the ‘India’s Techade: Chips for Viksit Bharat’ event, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed optimism about the transformative impact of the semiconductor projects. He hailed the day as historic, emphasizing its role in shaping a brighter future for Bharat. PM Modi highlighted that these initiatives would pave the way for Bharat to emerge as a global leader in semiconductor technology.
PM Modi’s Vision for Semiconductor Industry
Addressing the attendees, PM Modi emphasized the strategic importance of Bharat’s venture into semiconductor manufacturing. He stressed the need for a reliable and resilient supply chain, especially in the face of challenges like the Covid-19 pandemic. PM Modi reiterated Bharat’s commitment to self-reliance and modernity through indigenous chip production.
Bharat’s Technological Ascent
PM Modi reflected on Bharat’s journey as a space, nuclear, and digital power. He asserted that the country is poised to join the ranks of nations producing semiconductor products commercially. He expressed confidence in Bharat’s capability to lead Industry 4.0 with vigor and determination.
Promoting Self-reliance and Modernity
Highlighting Bharat’s historical lag during the first and second industrial revolutions, PM Modi underscored the significance of embracing Industry 4.0. He envisioned a future where ‘Made In India Chip’ and ‘Designed In India Chip’ would propel the nation towards self-reliance and modernity. PM Modi emphasized the centrality of electronic chips in the 21st century, portraying them as indispensable components driving technological progress.
Towards a Global Power in Semiconductor Sector
PM Modi concluded by reiterating Bharat’s determination to emerge as a global power in the semiconductor sector. He painted a vision where Bharat’s prowess in semiconductor manufacturing would contribute significantly to the nation’s technological advancement and global stature. The prime minister’s words resonated with a sense of optimism and determination as Bharat embarked on its journey towards semiconductor self-sufficiency and global leadership.