Recently, at the 2,550th Bhagwan Mahaveer Nirvan Mahotsav, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized Bharat’s growing confidence in projecting the values of truth and non-violence on a global stage. Modi highlighted the significant role of Bharat’s cultural heritage in shaping its global identity and addressing world issues.
Modi took a subtle dig at the previous UPA government, stating that his administration, since assuming power in 2014, has prioritized the promotion of both heritage and material development. He characterized this shift as a departure from a time of national despair, particularly referring to the state of affairs before his tenure.
About the ongoing Lok Sabha elections were also mentioned by Modi, who described them as a momentous occasion marking a new phase in the country’s journey towards the future.
He urged citizens to exercise their voting rights early in the day, employing a light-hearted reference to the lotus, the symbol of his party, BJP, often associated with holy events.
Modi underlined his government’s efforts in promoting Bharatiya heritage such as yoga and Ayurveda, asserting that the younger generation now identifies self-pride as a core aspect of Bharatiya identity. He credited Bharat’s growing strength and foreign policy for positioning the country as a beacon of peace and prosperity globally, alongside its rich cultural image.
Highlighting the importance of the teachings of tirthankars, revered Jain spiritual leaders, Modi also emphasized their importance in today’s world marked by global conflicts. He stressed the message of peace, compassion, and brotherhood as supported by Bhagwan Mahavir, which serves as inspiration for all.
Modi concluded by stating that the current event marks the beginning of ‘Amrit Kaal,’ symbolizing a significant moment in Bharat’s spiritual journey. He reiterated Bharat’s status as not only the oldest living civilization but also a place of safety for humanity, committed to promoting peace, compassion, and brotherhood globally.