On Saturday the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched an attack on the Congress party after Telangana Chief Minister Revath Reddy raised questions over the Pulwama terror attack in 2019 and the retaliatory airstrikes on a terror hideout in Balakot.
The BJP accused Congress of giving chit to Pakistan for its terror activities. BJP spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi asked Revanth Reddy to read out the comments of former Pakistan minister Chaudhary Fawad Hussain on the 2019 Pulwama attack.
‘Revanth Reddy must remember that Fawad Chaudhary who is showering support on his biggest leader Rahul Gandhi has said it in Pakistan’s national assembly as the minister of Imran Khan government that humne Pulwama tak ghus ke mara hai. Revanth Reddy has either no knowledge or such love (for Pakistan) that he is unable to see and listen even after the Pakistan minister has said this’.
Trivedi raked up the recent instance when the former Pakistani minister had heaped praises upon Rahul Gandhi. Pakistan’s former Information and Broadcasting minister Chaudhary had shared Rahul Gandhi’s speech targeting BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the caption ‘Rahul on fire’.
Fawad’s post invited sharp criticism from the BJP. The clipped video shows the Congress leader further speaking on the Ram Mandir event, accusing the PM Modi-led BJP government of sidelining the interests of the poor and youth.
BJP national spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said that the Congress in an attempt to oppose the BJP government, is questioning the armed forces.
‘Now, Revanth Reddy, the Telangana CM is not only giving clean chit to Pakistan on Pulwama and alleging Bharat but also questioning the surgical strike. In their attempt to oppose Modi, the Congress party is questioning the bravery of the military and putting India under question on the issue of terrorism by giving clean chit to Pakistan’, said the BJP leader in a post on X.