A major incident occurred at the Tungabhadra Dam in Karnataka on Saturday night when gate number 19 was washed away after a chain link snapped. This unexpected event has raised serious concerns for areas downstream, as a large volume of water is now being released into the river.
Officials have confirmed that the broken gate led to an immediate release of about 35,000 cusecs (cubic feet per second) of water. As the situation continues, the total amount of water being discharged downstream is expected to rise to 48,000 cusecs. This sudden surge of water has heightened the risk of flooding in nearby regions, especially those located along the river’s path.
In response to the incident, the Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (APSDMA) has issued a flood warning for residents living along the banks of the Krishna River. Areas in Kurnool district, including Kosigi, Mantralayam, Nandavaram, and Kouthalam, are particularly at risk. APSDMA has urged the people in these regions to remain vigilant and to take necessary safety measures.
“The floodwaters are being discharged at a significant rate. People in the affected areas should be alert and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety,” the APSDMA said in an official statement. Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and coordinating efforts to minimize potential damage.
Following the gate’s collapse, Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister, DK Shivakumar, is en route to the Tungabhadra Dam for a thorough inspection. Officials are working on controlling the water release and addressing any further risks that might arise from the damaged gate.
As the situation develops, more updates will be provided by the authorities. Residents in the affected regions are advised to stay informed and to follow any instructions from local officials to ensure their safety.
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