The Rajasthan High Court granted bail to Mohammed Javed in the Kanhaiya Lal murder case on September 5. Kanhaiya Lal was slaughtered by two rabid Islamists in Udaipur just for posting a social media message in support of Nupur Sharma, former BJP spokesperson. On a bond of Rs 2 lakh, the division bench of Justice Pankaj Bhandari and Justice Praveen Bhatnagar approved the bail and an additional surety of Rs 1 lakh.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) had arrested Mohammed Javed from Udaipur, Rajasthan, on July 22, 2022, 20 days after the brutal beheading of Kanhaiya Lal. Reportedly, Javed played a role in the conspiracy, informing one of the killers Riyaz Attari about Kanhaiya Lal’s presence at his shop prior to the beheading.
Notably, Kanhaiya Lal was murdered on June 29, 2022, by two radical Islamists named Riyaz and Ghous Mohammed. The duo disguised as customers and entered the tailoring shop of the deceased. While Kanhaiya Lal was busy taking the cloth measurements, one of the accused attacked him with a long sharp knife. According to the media reports, he was stabbed 26 times on his body from his neck to shoulder. Kanhaiya Lal was killed for uploading a social media post in support of ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
The eight-year-old son of the deceased victim Kanhaiya Lal had shared a social media post in support of Nupur Sharma from his mobile. However, after this, Kanhaiyalal was arrested by the Dhanmandi police station officials. He continued receiving death threats over the post after his release. Scared of the threats, Kanhaiya Lal had appealed to then Congress government in Rajasthan for protection but the police did not take him seriously.