Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be on a visit to his home state Gujarat on Monday. Along with giving the gift of projects worth crores of rupees to the state, he will inaugurate the 4th Global Renewable Energy Investor Conference and Expo (Re-Invest) at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar. The Bharatiya Janata Party has also shared the Prime Minister’s program on its X handle. According to the media reports, Prime Minister Modi will interact with the beneficiaries of PM Surya Ghar Free Electricity Scheme in Gandhinagar at around 9:45 am. After this, at around 10:30 am, he will inaugurate the 4th Global Renewable Energy Investor Conference and Expo (Re-Invest) at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar.
At around 1:45 pm, Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project and ride the metro from Block-1 Metro Station to Gift City Metro Station. He will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various development projects costing more than Rs 8,000 crore in Ahmedabad at around 3:30 pm.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at Ahmedabad airport on Sunday evening on his three-day visit to Gujarat. Governor Acharya Devvrat and Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel warmly welcomed him at the airport. On this occasion, Union Minister and BJP State President CR Patil, Protocol Minister Jagdish Vishwakarma, Ahmedabad City Mayor Pratibhaben Jain, State Chief Secretary Raj Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary of GAD Kamal Dayani, State Director General of Police Vikas Sahay, Ahmedabad City Police Commissioner GS Malik, Major General Gaurav Bagga, Ahmedabad Collector Praveena D.K. and other officials also welcomed the Prime Minister.
PM Modi will be on a visit to Gujarat from 15 to 17 September and17 September is the Prime Minister’s birthday, he will stay in his home state on this occasion too. He has reached Gujarat for the first time after becoming the Prime Minister for the third time.