On Saturday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for Tamil Nadu and several coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh as Cyclone Fengal intensifies over the Bay of Bengal. The storm is expected to make landfall near Puducherry on Saturday afternoon, bringing strong winds, heavy rainfall, and high tides to the region.
According to IMD’s head of the Cyclonic Division, Ananda Das, the red alert has been issued due to the forecast of heavy to extremely heavy rainfall in parts of Tamil Nadu, south Andhra Pradesh, Kerala , and interior Karnataka. The coastal districts, especially those near the crossing point between Karaikal and Mahabalipuram close to Puducherry, are expected to experience the most severe weather impacts.
Wind speeds are expected to reach up to 90 km/h, with gusts up to 70 km/h already recorded in some areas. On Saturday, the IMD has warned of extremely heavy rainfall between 1 pm and 2 pm, along with scattered heavy to very heavy showers in several regions. The cyclone has led to a weather change, impacting flights to and from Chennai. IndiGo airlines has suspended all operations at Chennai airport while Air India flights connecting the city have been impacted due to the adverse weather.
All schools and colleges in Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh will remain closed on Saturday. This includes educational institutions in districts like Kanchipuram, Chennai, Chengalpet, and Karaikal. The Puducherry government announced that all schools and colleges, including privately managed and government-aided institutions, would also be closed on November 29 and 30.
The Puducherry Fisheries Department has issued a precautionary advisory urging fishermen not to venture into the sea due to the cyclone’s approaching landfall. Fishermen have been advised to move their boats and equipment to higher ground to prevent potential damage. Cyclone Fengal has become a major concern for Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Puducherry, with the IMD taking proactive measures by issuing a red alert.