BJP’s Devendra Fadnavis is ready to take oath as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra on Thursday in Mumbai’s Azad Maidan. Fadnavis’ oath-taking ceremony will be attended by top leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, three Chief Ministers and nine Union Ministers. The BJP-led Mahayuti alliance had marked a historic win in the Maharashtra Assembly Elections 2024 and there had been suspense over the Maharashtra CM face for the past many days, between Eknath Shinde and Devendra Fadnavis.
The Maharashtra Assembly Election 2024 observed a decisive victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Mahayuti alliance, securing a landslide win with 235 seats. The results marked a significant milestone for the BJP, which emerged as the single-largest party with 132 seats. Posters of Maharashtra CM-designate Devendra Fadnavis, Shiv Sena chief Eknath Shinde and NCP chief Ajit Pawar cover the area around Azad Maidan in Mumbai.
#WATCH | Posters of Maharashtra CM-designate Devendra Fadnavis, Shiv Sena chief Eknath Shinde and NCP chief Ajit Pawar cover the area around Azad Maidan in Mumbai. Posters of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Minister-BJP chief JP Nadda also seen.
Devendra Fadnavis will…
— ANI (@ANI) December 5, 2024
The traffic restrictions in Mumbai will remain in place today from 12:00 pm till the conclusion of the swearing-in ceremony. The Mumbai Police has urged locals to use public transport, particularly trains and local services to ensure smooth flow of traffic and because of lack of parking facilities. A platoon of the State Reserve Police Force (SRPF), and Quick Response Team (QRT), Riots Control Team, Delta, Combat teams and the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad have also been deployed.
Special arrangements have been made to accommodate 40,000 BJP supporters and a separate seating arrangement made for 2,000 VVIPs, including leaders from various religions, said senior BJP leader Prasad Lad. BJP leader Prasad Lad said the swearing-in ceremony will be a grand affair with nearly 42,000 attendees. “PM Modi, nine to ten Union ministers, and 19 chief ministers and deputy chief ministers will attend the ceremony,” he said.