On Thursday, the BJP attacked the Congress over the row on the US’s indictment against Adani Group Chairman Gautam Adani in a bribery case and alleged that the party was carrying forward US billionaire George Soros’s agenda to destabilise India. Party MP Sambit Patra claimed that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was joining hands with anti-national forces and called him a “traitor”.
Patra’s reply came following a French newspaper, Mediapart, published a report on December 2, titled ‘The hidden links between a giant of investigative journalism and the US government’, which alleged that Soros funded OCCRP. However, government sources said the report was a covert attack on India’s growth story.
“If OCCRP is affected, Rahul Gandhi cries. If Rahul Gandhi cries, OCCRP gets hurt. They are two bodies but with one soul. George Soros and Rahul Gandhi are one. Whatever Soros wants to fulfill his agenda, Rahul Gandhi does the same. Both want to harm the country’s interests,” Patra said in a press conference. He claimed that there was a “dangerous triangular nexus”, which was trying to destabilise India and named George Soros, OCCRP, a global media investigative agency funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundation, and Rahul Gandhi.
He said, “A triangular nexus has emerged, comprising George Soros and his foundation in the US, along with certain American agencies. The other vertex of this triangle is a prominent news portal, OCCRP. Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi, traitor of the highest order, represents the third angle of this triangle”. The BJP has linked Soros to Congress on several occasions as the US billionaire has been a vocal critic of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Patra claimed that certain forces wanted to break India and break its unity and did not want to see the country progress. He asserted that he was not scared to call Rahul Gandhi a “traitor”. The BJP leader said, “I am not scared to say this word. I don’t have any hesitation to call the Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha a traitor”.
Quoting a French newspaper called Mediapart, Patra claimed that OCCRP receives substantial funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundation and said that “OCCRP appeared to align with Soro’s interests and America’s deep state”.