A day following BJP MP Sambit Patra launched an attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi , accusing him of being part of a “dangerous triangle” involving George Soros and the news portal Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis in an interview raised serious concerns about foreign interference in Indian politics, specifically during Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo campaign.
His remarks come in reply to the questions about alleged foreign links and their role in recent political activities, including the Maharashtra elections 2024. When asked about the BJP’s official stance on the opposition’s alleged links with billionaire George Soros, and other foreign entities, Fadnavis said, “The appropriate authorities will officially address this. However, from my observations, I can tell you that under the name of Bharat Jodo, 180 organizations came together. Among them, several should have their funding scrutinized. Many of these organizations receive foreign funding from elements that have worked to destabilize other countries globally.
He added, “During that (Bharat Jodo) time, even sections of the foreign media played a biased role, which we observed in Maharashtra (during polls) as well. When you connect these dots, it becomes evident. However, those authorized to make official statements will do so.” When questioned about the need for an investigation into these organizations, their funding sources, and agendas, Fadnavis stressed on the urgency of the matter. Fadnavis said, “This is extremely important. I have documents exposing certain organizations and their activities. We will take decisive action against them. At the appropriate time, I will present this evidence in the Vidhan Sabha, detailing which organizations were involved and how they were operating”.
These remarks align with his earlier statements during the Maharashtra elections, where he referred to some groups as a “group of anarchists.” Fadnavis reiterated that any attempts to create chaos or pursue foreign agendas would not be taken lightly, assuring that action would be taken against those involved.