Weeks following an explosion in Prashant Vihar, several schools in the national capital have received bomb threats via email early in the morning on Monday, the parents have been informed and students have been sent back to their homes. A bomb threat email has been received by prominent schools of New Delhi. A total of 40 schools in the national capital including Delhi Public School, RK Puram, GD Goenka Pashchim Vihar, Mother Mary’s School, British School, Salwan Public School and Cambridge School have received the threat email.
The bomb threat mail was received between 11:30 and 12 in the night, according to Delhi Police. When the school administration checked the mail in the morning, they informed the police and the children were sent on leave as a precaution. The bomb threat email reads, “I planted multiple bombs (lead azide) inside the building. The bombs are small and hidden very well. It will not cause very much damage to the building, but many people will be injured when the bombs detonate. You all deserve to suffer and lose limbs. If I do not receive $30,000 I will detonate the bombs.”
The mail sent by the email ID scottielanza@gmail.Com, includes a ransom demand of $30,000. An investigation is underway and it has not yet been discovered who is behind these bomb threats. Presently, several teams are engaged in searching inside the school. Nothing suspicious has been found so far and the search is on. Last month, on November 29, Venkateshwar Global School in Rohini North, Delhi got a bomb threat resulting in the school being closed temporarily and thorough checking by the law enforcement officials.
Online classes have also been suspended. The school authorities have also issued a notice for the parents, requesting them to pick their ward from the school. This happened a day following a low-intensity blast was reported outside the PVR, near Bansi Sweets in Delhi’s Prashant Vihar area. The explosion injured an auto-driver and during the investigation, the police also found a white powder substance at the incident site.