Chhattisgarh has taken decisive steps to address two critical challenges illegal immigration and Left-wing extremism under the leadership of Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai and Home Minister Vijay Sharma. On December 9, Sharma announced at a public meeting in Bhilai that approximately 850 illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators have been deported from the state, marking a significant stride in safeguarding the region’s demographic integrity.
Sharma disclosed that 500 infiltrators were deported from Bastar and 350 from Kawardha, while 46 others from Kondagaon are currently in custody, awaiting deportation. He assured the public that authorities are acting swiftly on reports of illegal immigrants and emphasized the tireless efforts of the state police in identifying and detaining such individuals.
The issue of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants has been a contentious one in Chhattisgarh. In August 2024, the Sarv Adivasi Samaj, a tribal organisation, organized a statewide shutdown to protest against the infiltrators. The group accused the immigrants of settling in villages, towns, and cities, potentially endangering the region’s cultural and demographic fabric.
The tribal community demanded immediate action, blaming the inflow on political instability in Bangladesh. They alleged negligence on the part of the authorities in addressing the issue, which heightened tensions in several districts. Sharma’s recent actions appear to be a response to these long-standing demands.
In a parallel development, Chhattisgarh achieved a historic milestone in its decades-long battle against Naxalism. Bastar and Kondagaon districts were declared Maoist free by Bastar IG Sundar Raj P. This accomplishment, achieved through sustained development efforts and intensified security operations, signals a major breakthrough in the state’s fight against insurgency.
“The activities of maoists have significantly weakened due to our focused approach, paving the way for peace and progress in these regions,” IG Raj said.