On Tuesday, India informed that it has evacuated 75 nationals from Syria, in wake of a civil war. The evacuees included 44 ‘zaireen’ from Jammu & Kashmir who were stranded at Saida Zainab. Ministry of External Affairs said, “All Indian nationals have safely crossed over to Lebanon and will return by available commercial flights to India”.
The External Affairs Ministry also said that Indian nationals remaining in Syria are advised to stay in touch with Indian embassy in Damascus. The evacuation, coordinated by the embassies of India in Damascus and Beirut, was put into effect following an assessment of the security situation, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said.
“The Government of India today evacuated 75 Indian nationals from Syria, following recent developments in that country,” it said in a late-night statement.
It said, “The evacuees included 44 ‘zaireen’ from Jammu and Kashmir who were stranded at Saida Zainab. All Indian nationals have safely crossed over to Lebanon and will return by available commercial flights to India”. The MEA said the government accords the highest priority to the safety and security of Indian nationals abroad. It said, “Indian nationals remaining in Syria are advised to stay in touch with the Indian Embassy in Damascus”.
“The government will continue to monitor the situation closely,” the MEA added. The Syrian government collapsed on Sunday as the rebels seized control of the capital Damascus following capturing several other prominent cities and towns. Assad fled the country after the rebel group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) took control of Damascus, marking the end of his family’s 50-year rule.
According to the media reports, Assad is in Moscow and will be given asylum. His nearly 14-year tenure was marked by civil war, bloodshed and brutal crackdown on his political opponents.The MEA Monday said it is monitoring the unfolding developments in Syria and advocated a peaceful and inclusive Syrian-led political process going forward in that country.