On Thursday, Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal announced that the Delhi Cabinet has approved a proposal to provide Rs 2,100 every month to eligible women, more than double the initial amount of Rs 1,000 announced under the ‘Mahila Samman Yojana’ in the Budget 2024-25.
The move comes just ahead of the Assembly Elections in the city due to be held in February next year. Addressing a gathering, Kejriwal, who was also accompanied by Chief Minister Atishi, said that the proposal was passed in the Cabinet meeting this morning.
He said that transfer of money to the registered beneficiaries will “not be possible” as the elections will be announced in a few days time. “Elections will be announced in 10-15 days, so it is not possible to transfer money to the account right now. Some women said that Rs 1000 will not be enough due to inflation,” Kejriwal said. He announced that the Delhi government has increased the amount to Rs 2,100 and the registration for the same will start from Friday.
He addressed the concerns surrounding the source of money that’s needed for the successful implementation of the scheme, stating that he is a “magician of accounts”. “Where will the money come from? I am a magician. I am a magician of accounts. I know where to get the money from. How to spend it. If I say it, I will do it,” Kejriwal said.