Allu Arjun returned home after spending the night in Chanchalguda jail in the case related to the Sandhya Theatre stampede. In his first public appearance post-arrest, Allu Arjun addressed the media stationed outside his residence. He expressed gratitude to his fans and assured them of his safety. He stressed that he is a ‘law-abiding’ citizen and will continue to cooperate with the authorities.
On Saturday, Allu Arjun returned home following his arrest in the Sandhya Theatre stampede case which led to the death of a 35-year-old woman and serious injuries to her minor son. The actor was arrested at the Chachalguda jail overnight despite getting a bail order from the Telangana High Court. He was released before 7 am this morning. The Pushpa 2 star first made a brief stop at his Geetha Arts office and then headed home to his wife and children. Upon his return, Allu Arjun greeted the media and fans stationed outside his residence. He addressed their questions and shared, “I will like to thank you, everyone, all my fans for all your love. I am safe. Nothing to worry. I will co-operate.
“I will do whatever is needed. The accident was unfortunate. We are always sorry for what happened. I have always gone to watch my movies. I have done it over 30 times. Nothing of his sort happened earlier. It was accidental, very unfortunate. I am a law-abiding citizen. I believe in the law. The law is taking care of it. It is a very challenging situation for that family”, said Allu Arjun.
Allu Arjun stepped out of Chanchalguda Central Jail here on Saturday morning after spending the night in the prison in the case relating to a stampede at a theatre during the premier show of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The actor, who was granted interim bail by Telangana High Court on Friday evening an hour after a lower court sent him to judicial custody for 14 days, had to spend the night in the jail due to a delay in the prison authorities receiving bail orders. The prison authorities released the national award-winning actor from the rear gate of the jail. He was sent in an escort vehicle.