On Saturday, Police said, a Shiv temple in Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal which had been closed since 1978 has been reopened. Patron of Nagar Hindu Sabha, Vishnu Sharan Rastogi claimed that the temple has been re-opened after 1978. Sambhal Circle Officer (SO) Anuj Kumar Chaudhary said that they found a temple while inspecting information about encroachment.
“We had received information that a temple in the area was being encroached upon. When we inspected the spot, we found a temple there,” said Chaudhary. Sambhal Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Vandana Mishra also reached the spot and said that the temple was found when the district administration was inspecting the electricity theft.
She added, the encroachment upon the temple will be removed. “When we were carrying out a campaign against the electricity theft we found a temple. Residents of the area said that the temple has been closed since 1978. The temple has been opened and cleaned. The encroachment upon the temple will be removed” SDM Mishra said.
#WATCH | Uttar Pradesh: A temple has been reopened in Sambhal.
Patron of Nagar Hindu Sabha, Vishnu Sharan Rastogi claims that the temple has been re-opened after 1978. pic.twitter.com/UQdzODtuYa
— ANI (@ANI) December 14, 2024
Meanwhile, Vishnu Sharan Rastogi, patron of Nagar Hindu Sabha, claimed that the temple has been reopened after 1978. He said that the temple was closed because no priest was ready to live there. “We used to live in the Khaggu Sarai area. We have a house nearby (in the Khaggu Sarai area). After 1978, we sold the house and vacated the place. This is a temple of Lord Shiva. We left this area and we were not able to take care of this temple. No priest lived in this place. 15-20 families left this area. We had closed the temple because the priests could not live here. The priest did not dare to live here. The temple was closed since 1978 and today it has been opened”, said Rastogi.
He further informed that there was a well outside the temple which has been destroyed. Additional Superintendent of Police (Addl. SP) Shrish Chandra also reached the spot and informed that a well had also been found in the area after digging. Chandra said, “We had information regarding an ancient well in front of the temple. Upon digging a well has been found in the area”.
Earlier, the district administration on Saturday morning carried out an anti-encroachment drive in the Shahi Jama Masjid area.The district administration team visited Sambhal to check on the noise pollution through loudspeakers, Sambhal District Magistrate (DM) Rajender Pensiya said, adding that they found that there was electricity (power) theft in the area.