A new controversy for Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu has arisen following wild chicken, which was part of his menu and was served during dinner while he was on a visit to Kupvi and stayed the night in Tikkar village. Wild Chicken is a protected animal under the Wildlife Act which was part of Himachal Pradesh CM’s menu.
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu’s participation at a recent event in Shimla sparked controversy after ‘wild chicken,’ a protected species under the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, was reportedly on the dinner menu served to guests. The incident, which came to light through a video shared by an animal welfare organization, has led to widespread condemnation from animal rights groups and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), demanding an apology and action against those responsible.
At a public event in the remote Kufri area of Shimla, Chief Minister Sukhu attended a dinner where the menu included food with wild chicken, bichu booti (a local herb), and slices of bread made from maize and wheat. Although Chief Minister Sukhu did not consume the wild chicken, it was served to the State Health Minister and other guests, raising concerns about the illegal hunting of protected species.
The said wild chicken, found at altitudes above 3,000 feet in Himachal Pradesh, is legally protected, and hunting it is a punishable offence. The controversy gained traction on social media, with calls for accountability from both animal welfare groups and political leaders. BJP state spokesperson Chetan Bharta demanded that Chief Minister Sukhu issue a public apology and take stringent action against those involved in serving the wild chicken. Former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur also condemned the incident, calling it unacceptable and urging the government to address the issue swiftly.
“While the government claims to address people’s grievances through outreach programs like Jan Manch, they are now indulging in picnics. Consuming a protected species like wild chicken is punishable with jail time and fines. Yet, the Chief Minister’s office prints menus featuring the dish and serves it to ministers with relish,” said Jairam Thakur.