On Saturday, Senior BJP MP Ravi Shankar Prasad stepped up his ante against Congress and Leader of Opposition (LoP) Rahul Gandhi, citing the latter’s remarks against the BJP accusing it of ‘destroying’ the Constitution, Hindu ideologue Savarkar and much more.
“Rahul Gandhi must do some homework and he needed to change his tutor”, said Shankar. The former Union Minister added, “Have to find where he (Rahul Gandhi) is seeking his knowledge. I have several times reiterated that he doesn’t do his homework. One has to ascertain who is tutoring Rahul Gandhi”Furthermore, several other BJP leaders poked fun at Gandhi for some of the comments, including that “tapasya” is meant to generate heat in the body, he made during his speech in the Lok Sabha.
BJP spokesperson and MP Sambit Patra and the party’s IT department head Amit Malviya posted bits of the video of Gandhi’s speech on X to mock him. Gandhi’s reference to Eklavya, a character in “Mahabharat”, as a boy aged six to seven years, and the leader of the opposition’s comment that Dronacharya cut off his thumb were two other points from the speech that Patra highlighted to say “such knowledge comes from George Soros”.
Malviya said, “This round goes to Rahul Gandhi. He remains the undisputed king of bloopers.” Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members, including Union ministers, were seen laughing at times when Gandhi was speaking. In his speech, Gandhi cited Hindutva ideologue V D Savarkar’s remarks that there was nothing Indian about the Constitution and took a jibe at the BJP, saying by talking of protecting the Constitution, the ruling party is “ridiculing” its “supreme leader”.