On Tuesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah told the Rajya Sabha that the Common Civil Code will be implemented in all states the way it was done in Uttarakhand. Addressing the Upper House on the “Glorious Journey of 75 Years of the Constitution of India,” Shah said, “We work democratically. A law that brought huge changes to social life was passed as a model law by Uttarakhand. It will be examined legally and by religious heads, there will be discussions suggestions will be accepted. After that, BJP governments will bring a common civil code in all states.
Speaking further, the Home Minister launched an attack on Congress accusing it of promoting appeasement politics and undermining constitutional principles. “That it couldn’t be brought till now is due to the Congress’s appeasement politics. In his 85-minute long speech, Shah also alleged that Congress has never respected reservations and wanted to breach the 50 % ceiling to bring religion-based quotas. He also attacked the opposition party over the imposition of Emergency.
Concluding his remarks, Shah also lashed out at Congress over its allegations concerning Electronic Voting Machines (EVM), saying some of those who made complaints about the outcome in Maharashtra celebrated it in Jharkhand, where the JMM-led INDIA bloc won the assembly elections. “The 39th Amendment in the Constitution crossed all the limits. On August 10, 1975, was a black day. Indira Gandhi’s elections were declared null and void by the Allahabad High Court. After they lose, they roam around with EVMs. They say the EVMs defeated them. When they lose they blame the EVMs. Two assembly election results came out on the same day.
So the EVMs are faulty in Maharashtra, but when they won in Jharkhand, they wore new clothes and rushed to take the oath. People are watching, you must be ashamed. How is it possible that EVM is working fine at one place and not at the other?” he asked. “The EC kept the EVM from 10 am to 5 pm for three days open for anyone to prove if it could be hacked. No one came. The Supreme Court rejected the petitions on EVMs 24 times,” he added.The debate on 75 years of the Constitution started in Rajya Sabha on Monday and lasted two days. Lok Sabha held the debate last week.