On Thursday, a team from the State Electricity Department, accompanied by security forces, inspected the residence of Samajwadi Party MP from Sambhal, Zia ur Rehman Barq, as part of ongoing raids to address alleged irregularities in electricity usage in the riot affected areas in Sambhal district.
Sambhal Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Vandana Mishra clarified that the inspection was a routine measure against electricity theft. “This is part of our regular drive. There were inputs suggesting non-compliance with electricity connection protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs), prompting this inspection,” she stated.
Santosh Tripathi, the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) of Sambhal, explained that the team was assessing the electrical load at the residence. He noted that many rooms on the first and second floors were locked, potentially requiring further examination. The authorities have promised to take strict legal action in the theft case. Meanwhile, a team of electricity department officials inspecting the electricity meter at the residence of the SP MP has been threatened by Zia’s father who said that when they will be back in power, officials would face severe consequences.
In this matter as well, Sambhal police will register a separate FIR. The investigation follows reports of suspected violations of electricity usage regulations at Barq’s residence, raising questions about adherence to prescribed SOPs. The team was observed conducting meter readings and verifying the load of air conditioners, fans, and other electrical appliances. Heavy police deployment was witnessed during the inspection.
Additional Superintendent of Police (North), Sambhal, Shrish Chandra, confirmed that the electricity department had sought police assistance. “We have provided adequate force to ensure smooth operations. The police are on-site to handle any challenges that may arise,” Chandra said.