On Thursday, Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh dismissed the impeachment notice given by the opposition seeking the removal of Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar. RS Deputy chairman said that the impeachment notice introduced by the opposition was an an act of impropriety, being severely flawed and drawn in haste to spoil his reputation, according to the media reports.
In his ruling, which was tabled in the House by Rajya Sabha secretary general PC Mody, the deputy chairman said the impeachment notice is part of a design to denigrate the country’s constitutional institutions and malign the incumbent Vice President, according to the media reports. At least 60 opposition members had signed the notice for removal of Dhankhar from his post on December 10, alleging that they did not have trust in him and that he was “biased”.
The deputy chairman ruled that the gravity of this “personally targeted” notice, which is bereft of facts and aimed at securing publicity. He also held that the notice was a “misadventure” in “deliberate trivialising and demeaning” of the high constitutional office of the Vice President of the largest democracy.
The deputy chairman, who was assigned to handle the notice after Chairman Dhankhar recused himself, ruled that the notice contained numerous claims aimed solely at tarnishing the reputation of the current Vice President, according to the media reports.