On Thursday, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Chief Mohan Bhagwat, said that the world is in need of a “guru,” and India has the potential to fulfill that role. Bhagwat made these remarks during a lecture on the topic “Vishwaguru Bharat,” where he explained India’s role in offering guidance to the world. In his speech, Bhagwat noted that while the world is progressing with advancements in technology and services, peace remains elusive.
He pointed out that wars continue to affect parts of the world, pollution is increasing, and unpredictable weather patterns are causing problems. “We don’t receive rainfall when it is expected, and when it does come, it vanishes,” Bhagwat said, referring to the current challenges facing the world. According to Bhagwat, these issues show a need for a guiding force, and he believes that India, with its values and teachings, could play a significant role in leading the world towards peace and harmony. He urged that India should take on the responsibility of being the “Vishwaguru” (world teacher) and help address global problems.
The world needs a “guru” and India could be that “guru”, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat said here on Thursday. “Everybody thinks that Bharat should be ‘Vishwa Guru’. The world is moving ahead with certain positive thoughts and amenities as well as services have increased but there is no peace around. In some parts of the world, wars are taking place, while pollution is on the rise. We don’t receive rainfall when it is expected and when it pours everything vanishes,” he said.
This is the current situation in the world, Bhagwat asserted. There is a “demonic tendency” on one side from those who want everything as per their wish, while on the other side is the “divine tendency” of “live and let live”, he said. “The world needs a guru and India can be that guru. Our nation is ready for philanthropy. We should not mock the gods of others. We should live in harmony with all across the world,” he asserted. Talking about the Constitution, the RSS chief said its Preamble as well as the rights of citizens cannot be changed.