The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a weather warning for different parts of India. Heavy rainfall is expected over Coastal Andhra Pradesh today, while severe cold wave conditions are predicted for Himachal Pradesh and West Rajasthan during 20-21st December.
The Met Department has also forecasted cold wave conditions to prevail over major parts of northwest India for the next 5-7 days. According to IMD, a fresh and active Western Disturbance is likely to affect the Western Himalayan region and adjoining plains from 27th December 2024.
In terms of rainfall, light to moderate showers are expected in Coastal Andhra Pradesh, North Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Rayalaseema today and tomorrow. Light rainfall is also expected in Coastal Odisha and coastal Gangetic West Bengal on 20th-21st, Assam and Meghalaya on 21st-23rd, and Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, and Tripura on 20th-24th December. The IMD has observed that minimum temperatures are below 0°C in most parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, and Himachal Pradesh. There will be a rise in temperatures by about 2℃ in Northwest India after three days, while no significant changes are expected in Gujarat for the next five days.
However, Maharashtra and Central India may experience a rise in minimum temperatures by 2-3℃ during the next five days. The IMD has also forecasted cold wave conditions for some parts of Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan, Muzaffarabad, Haryana, Chandigarh, West Rajasthan, and Himachal Pradesh on different dates in December.
Hindusthan Samachar