Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami laid the foundation stone of various development schemes worth nearly Rs 172 crore 65 lakhs, including the foundation stone laying of the multipurpose Satpuli Lake to be built in the Eastern Nayar River. He participated in a program organised at Satpuli in Pauri district on Thursday.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister announced the construction of a new building in Government Inter College Bharoli Khal and Bironkhal under Development Block Bironkhal, under Development Block Bironkhal, construction of a motor bridge over the Western Nayar River between Nayar Patisain and Aswalsyun between Development Block Ekeshwar and Kaljikhal, construction of a mini stadium in Development Block Ekeshwar Headquarters, construction of a barrage 500 meters upstream from the Pipaldonga bridge built over the Ravansa River, establishment of a police post at Tadkeshwar Mahadev.
The Chief Minister said, “Schemes worth more than Rs 172 crore have been inaugurated and foundation stone laid. These schemes will prove to be a milestone in the development of the region. With the completion of the construction of Satpuli Lake, it will also prove to be a boon for the or the regional economy.” He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had described this third decade of the 21st century as the decade of Uttarakhand from the land of Baba Kedar, and this work has already begun. “The lake whose foundation stone has been laid will also benefit many generations to come,” he said.
He said that along with road and air connectivity, infrastructure is being developed rapidly in the state. Construction work is being done on a large scale in the tourism sector in the state. The Chief Minister said that the government is continuously working towards eradicating the big problem of migration. Along with promoting self-employment in the state, participation of youth is also being ensured in local industries.