On Tuesday, Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh apologised to the people for the ethnic violence occurring since May 2023. While addressing a press conference Singh appealed to all sections to “forgive and forget” the past. N Biren Singh further said the year ends on an optimistic note and that he hoped that normalcy will return to the state in 2025.
“This entire year has been very unfortunate. I want to say sorry to the people of the state for what’s happening till today since last May 3. Many people lost their loved ones. Many people left their homes. I feel regret. I apologise. But now, I hope after seeing the last three to four months progress towards the peace, I believe by 2025, the normalcy will be restored in the state,” Singh said.
“I want to appeal to all the communities in the state, whatever happened has happened. You have to forgive and forget the past mistakes and we have to start a new life towards a peaceful and prosperous Manipur,” he said. It was a year of turmoil in Manipur. The divide between the Meitei community in the valley and the Kuki tribes in the hills deepened in 2024, triggering human casualties, widespread violence, mob attacks and drone strikes on civilian areas.
Once known for its cultural harmony, the state faces deepening divisions, with thousands displaced and communities living in constant fear, as tensions show no signs of easing and peace remained a far cry in the year gone by. The year started on a violent note when four villagers were gunned down by cadres of the banned Peoples’ Liberation Army in Thoubal district on January 1.
The incident, linked to disputes over money collected through illegal drug trade, forced the state government to impose prohibitory orders in all five valley districts. A month later, armed miscreants stormed the residence of additional SP Moirangthem Amit Singh at Wangkhei Tokpam in Imphal East district and vandalised his property. During the incident, the additional SP and one of his escorts were abducted by armed miscreants and later rescued from Kwakeithel Konjeng Leikai area in Imphal West district, about 5 km from the incident site.