Vande Bharat sleeper train, the upcoming version of India’s developed world class high-speed train Vande Bharat portfolio, clocked in 180 km per hour speed during its trial run. A video of the train’s trial run was shared by Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on social media platform X. The video posted by the minister shows a nearly full to brim glass of water adjacent to a mobile on a plain surface inside a Vande Bharat sleeper train. The water level remaining static can be seen in the video as the moving train achieves near constant peak speed of 180 km per hour exhibiting the element of comfort in the high-speed rail travel.
With a speed of up to 180 kilometres per hour, the Vande Bharat sleeper trains will soon run on tracks to give commuters a world-class travel experience, railways said. Sharing a video of the successful trial of the Vande Bharat sleeper train in the Kota division, Ashwini Vaishnav mentioned the speed of the train on social media ‘X’.
“The Vande Bharat sleeper train has achieved a peak speed of 180 km per hour in its multiple trials in the last three days. The trails will continue till this month end before this world class travel for long distance travel is made available to the rail commuters across the nation,” he wrote on X. The post came following 3 days of successful trials, which concluded on 2nd January, in which a Vande Bharat sleeper train in its loaded condition touched the peak speed.
On Thursday, during a 30 km long run between Kota & Laban in Bundi district of Rajasthan, the train reached a peak speed of 180 km/hour. A day earlier, on the first day of 2025, in a 40 km long trial run between Rohal Khurd to Kota, Vande Bharat sleeper train touched the peak of 180 km per hour. On the same day, peaks of 170 km/hr and 160km/hr were achieved on Kota-Nagda and Rohal Khurd-Chau Mahla sections. These trials will continue for the month of January before the commercial launch of the train.