Bengaluru has reported its first case of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) in an eight-month-old baby, detected at the city’s Baptist Hospital. The state health department stated that it didn’t test the sample in its own labs but said it has no reason to doubt their private hospital’s findings.
A health department said, “The reports have come from a private hospital, and we have no reason to question the accuracy of their tests”. Earlier, the Karnataka government had issued an advisory to ensure the safety of residents. The government emphasized that no other HMPV cases have been reported in Karnataka to date. The Department of Health and Family Welfare has analyzed data on prevailing respiratory infections, such as the common cold, influenza-like illness (ILI), and severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), and reported no significant increase in cases in December 2024 compared to the previous year. Residents are urged to follow safety guidelines to protect themselves and prevent the spread of infections.
HMPV Virus: Dos and Don’ts
Cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief or tissue paper, when you cough or sneeze.
Wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer Avoid crowded places
Stay away from public places if you have fever, cough and sneezing. Adequate ventilation with outdoor air is recommended in all settings to reduce the transmission
Stay at home and limit contact with others if you are sick
Drink plenty of water and eat nutritious food
Do not reuse of tissue paper & hand kerchief
Completely avoid close contact with sick people, sharing of towels, linen etc. and frequent touching of eyes, nose & mouth
Spitting in public places is a complete no-no
Do not go for self-medication without consulting the physician.