Prashant Kishor, founder of the Jan Suraaj Party, was arrested by the Patna Police in the wee hours of Monday during a hunger strike at Patna’s Gandhi Maidan. Prashant Kishor, who was sitting on a fast unto death, was demanding the cancellation of a Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) exam held on December 13.
According to the media reports, the police arrested Kishor from Patna’s Gandhi Maidan and took him to AIIMS in an ambulance. Video shared on the social media showed police officials forcibly removing Kishor from the hunger strike site amid opposition from his supporters. The BPSC exam had been marred by allegations of a question paper leak. Although the BPSC ordered a retest for a select group of candidates, Kishor continued his hunger strike, demanding a complete cancellation of the exam.
#WATCH | BPSC protest | Bihar: Patna Police detains Jan Suraaj chief Prashant Kishor who was sitting on an indefinite hunger strike at Gandhi Maidan
— ANI (@ANI) January 5, 2025
On January 4, the retest was held at 22 centres in Patna, with 5,943 students appearing for the exam. The BPSC reported that the retest was held peacefully without any incidents of misconduct or malpractices.