9 January (H.S.): Chief Minister Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath ji will arrive in Prayagraj on Thursday at 2:00 pm. After that, Chief Minister will visit the Akhara/camps established in various sectors located in the fair area. He will inaugurate the Digital Kumbh Experience Center located in Sector-3.
Thereafter, Chief Minister will hold a review meeting in ICCC Auditorium located at Prayagraj Fair Authority. After the review meeting, the Chief Minister will reach the Digital Media Center for its inauguration and hold a press conference. After this, the Chief Minister will have dinner with the representatives of Akharas, Khakchowk, Dandibara, Acharyabara and Prayagwal. Chief Minister will rest for the night at Circuit House Prayagraj.
Hindusthan Samachar