The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has demanded an investigation by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) against six surrendered Maoists. A petition has been submitted to Chikkamagaluru Deputy Commissioner Meena Nagaraj, urging for an inquiry into who supplied weapons to these Maoists.
The party highlighted that a reward had previously been announced for information leading to the apprehension of these six individuals, and they must now undergo a thorough investigation. BJP leaders raised questions regarding how the surrendered Maoists were able to meet with the surrender committee. They expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the police department, asking where the police were during previous incidents and why they hadn’t provided information sooner.
Moreover, it was noted that the surrendered Maoists have not handed over any firearms post-surrender. The BJP has requested that an appropriate investigation be conducted regarding this issue, calling on the central Home Minister through the district administration to address these concerns.
In response to the recent surrender of six Maoists, Vijayapura MLA Basanagouda Patil Yatnal has taken to Twitter to voice his opposition to the idea of integrating these surrendered individuals into mainstream society. Yatnal acknowledged that while Maoists have the right to live like common people after expressing their demands, providing a package for surrender is not the right course of action.
He emphasised that many police officers and members of operational teams have lost their lives due to the violence perpetrated by Maoists. In his statement, he criticised the notion of offering special treatment to those who have caused harm, suggesting that such actions are unacceptable. He concluded by asserting that individuals who have committed crimes should face appropriate punishment before being allowed to reintegrate into society. This statement comes amidst discussions on how to handle surrendered Maoists and highlights the tension between the need for justice and the opportunities for rehabilitation.