On Monday, the Uttar Pradesh police filed FIRs against 15 shop owners in Varanasi who were selling meat within a 2 km radius of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple. The local administration said that the accused shopkeepers had been issued notices to stop seeking non-vegetarian food in the 2 km radius of the temple. The action was taken as the shopkeepers flouted the rules. According to the media reports, the accused persons who have been booked have been identified as Alam Qureshi, Amin, Bhuletan, Tanveer, Navaid, Shamim Qureshi, Mohd. Sharif, Mohd. Niaz, Bachha Qureshi, and Raiz.
These have been booked under Sections 223 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) and 325 (mischief by killing or maiming animal) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). Notably, the complaint in the case was filed by the Municipal Veterinary Officer, two days following the shopkeepers were issued notice to stop selling meat on the premises. The complainant stated that the accused persons identified as Riaz and Qureshi had no license to cut the meat and despite this, they were selling the meat within the 200 meters area of the temple.
Earlier, the local administration had issued notices to around 26 shopkeepers operating within the 2-km radius of the temple. These shopkeepers were asked to shut down their shops given the violation of the rules. The administration stated that the direction was being issued based on the directive generated last year that banned the sale of meat in the 2 km radius of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple.
Apart from the illegal sale of meat, the complaint highlights concerns regarding the unsanitary conditions of the shop, and the open sale of food posing a threat of infectious diseases. The complaint also adds that three prior notices were issued, dated 17th February 2024, 2nd January, and 4th January 2025 respectively. Despite repetitive notices, the accused continued to operate meat shop selling fish, chicken, and mutton near the revered Hindu temple.