Nagar, 14 January (H.S.): Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the festival is in the tradition of Sanatan Dharma. On the occasion of Makar Sankranti, followers of Sanatan Dharma are worshiping Lord Sun. The Chief Minister has extended hearty congratulations and best wishes to the entire state on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. He has congratulated the saints, pilgrims and devotees on Makar Sankranti.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath told reporters on the occasion of Khichdi festival at Goraksh Peeth here on Tuesday that Makar Sankranti is one of the series of sacred festivals of India, which is a festival of gratitude to the Father of the World, Sun.
On the basis of different names and forms across the country, followers of Sanatan Dharma join this event with great devotion. Within the country, be it North, South, East or West, people celebrate this festival with different names. He said that let’s connect with this festival. The celebration is in the Sanatan Dharma tradition
of India. According to tradition, as per the need of the place and the need of the particular region, the Rishi tradition of India combined these festivals into a Mahaparva. “Today, we all get to see his huge form. If you go to Assam etc. in the east then it will be celebrated as Bihu, if you go towards Punjab then it will be celebrated as Lohri, if you go to the far south then it will be celebrated as Pongal, in Bengal or Maharashtra this festival will be celebrated as Tilva Sankranti and in North India, devotees celebrate this great festival as Khichdi Sankranti.”
Hindusthan Samachar