On Tuesday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh slammed Pakistan on Armed Forces Veterans’ Day during a speech in Akhnoor. The Union Minister said that over 80% of terrorists entering India comes from Pakistan. Speaking at the event, Singh warned Pakistan to take concrete action against terrorism that continues to thrive on its soil.
Highlighting the ongoing activities in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), he said, “The land of PoK is being used for the dangerous business of terrorism. Training camps for terrorists are still operational there. Launchpads are active in areas close to the border. The Indian government is aware of everything. Pakistan must dismantle these operations otherwise dot dot dot.” He accused Pakistan of sending terrorists across the border and trying to mislead Muslims living near Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).
Minister said, “Pakistan wants Muslims in the area to support its army, but it will never happen. Muslims have always stood with India and even sacrificed their lives for the country.” Singh also stressed that Jammu and Kashmir is incomplete without PoK. He highlighted the government’s efforts to bridge the gap between Jammu and Kashmir and rest of the country. “Our government’s top priority is to remove the gap between Kashmir and the rest of India. J&K CM Omar Abdullah is taking steps in this direction,” he said.
Talking about the Veterans’ Day celebrations, Singh remarked, “Akhnoor holds the same importance for us as Delhi.” He said that Lal Bahadur Shastri government at the Centre could have ended cross-border terrorism by converting the tactical advantage gained in the war into a strategic advantage. He said, “The war between India and Pakistan was fought in Akhnoor in 1965. India succeeded in thwarting the efforts of the Pakistani army. .Pakistan has been promoting illegal infiltration and terrorism since 1965. Cross-border terrorism would have ended in 1965 itself, but the then central government was unable to convert the tactical advantage gained in the war into a strategic advantage,” he said.
Indian Army Chief General Upendra Dwivedi has disclosed that 80% of terrorists neutralised in Jammu and Kashmir are Pakistani nationals. This statistic shows Pakistan ‘s continued role as the epicentre of terrorism, providing undeniable evidence of its state-sponsored export of violence into India.