Board Of Control For Cricket In India (BCCI) has issued strict guidelines for the players and staff following the controversy that Indian Cricket is involved in. The BCCI have issued the guideline that it is mandatory for all players to play domestic cricket in order to remain eligible for selection. Another guideline has been issued which restricts personal staff and families on tours with the players families.
These new guidelines have been put to maintain dignity and put an end to the superstar culture within the team. Mandatory domestic cricket, restriction on the presence of families and personal staff on tours and a bar on individual endorsements during series were among a slew of measures that the BCCI unveiled in a 10-point policy to promote “discipline and unity” in the embattled national cricket team.
Non-compliance would invite sanctions, including cuts in their retainer fee from central contracts and a bar on participating in the cash-rich Indian Premier League. The measures have been announced in the wake of the team’s tour of Australia which was preceded by a series whitewash against New Zealand at home. The Board has approved only a two-week window for families to stay with the players during overseas tours, besides imposing restrictions on personal staff, and commercial shoots. “Any exceptions or deviations must be pre-approved by the Chairman of the Selection Committee and Head Coach. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the BCCI,” the Board policy states.
“Additionally, the BCCI reserves the right to take disciplinary action against a player which may include sanction against the concerned player from participating in all BCCI conducted tournaments including the Indian Premier League; and deduction from retainer amount/match fees under BCCI Player contract,” it warns.