On Monday, accused Greeshma in the high-profile Sharon Raj murder case has been sentenced to death by the Neyyattinkara Additional Sessions Court. The court gave capital punishment to the accused who had poisoned her boyfriend Sharon Raj, a 23-year-old man, with pesticide-laced ayurvedic decoction. The third accused, Greeshma’s uncle Nirmalakumaran Nair, has been sentenced to three years of rigorous imprisonment.
While pronouncing the quantum of punishment, the court observed, “The act of inviting Sharon over under the pretext of sexual intimacy and subsequently committing the crime cannot be ignored. It is the State’s responsibility to ensure punishment for criminal acts. Evidence such as Sharon recording a video of the suspicious juice, despite Greeshma asking him not to record, indicates that he suspected something was wrong.
Sharon fought for his life for 11 days without even consuming a drop of water. The court said, “The court further observed that Greeshma betrayed the trust of her boyfriend Sharon, manipulating him emotionally. She has no evidence to support claims of mental pressure from Sharon”. The court further added, “Greeshma’s defence that Sharon had physically abused her also lacks any proof”.
On the contrary, Sharon had never blamed her in any messages or communications. While Sharon remained committed to the accused, she was simultaneously in contact with her fiance.” “It is evident that the crime was premeditated and carried out without provocation. Greeshma’s cunning attempts to cover up her crime were unsuccessful. Her argument of youthful age cannot be considered in light of the severity of the crime.
The court observed, “The evidence suggests that Sharon was unaware of Greeshma’s plan to murder him”. Accused Greeshma faced multiple charges under the Indian Penal Code (IPC). She has been booked under sections 302 (Murder), 364 (Abduction with intent to commit murder), 328 (Administering poison with intent to harm life), and 203 (Obstruction of justice by providing false information) of the IPC.
On Saturday, the court heard the final arguments of the defence and prosecution on the quantum of punishment to SS Greeshma who was found guilty by the Court on January 17. The court also found her uncle Nirmalakumaran Nair, the third accused, guilty under Section 201 of the IPC. Her mother Sindhu was acquitted.