At least five people have died in Bihar’s West Champaran district due to suspicious reasons, police said on Sunday. Speaking to reporters, Bettiah SP Shaurya Suman said that around 10 teams of medical professionals have been formed to investigate the cause of the death and reasons will only be ascertained after the report comes.
The district administration and police carried out investigation in Mathiya village under Lauriya police station limits of Bettiah on Sunday following suspicious deaths of five people. They also inspected the houses of the deceased. The police added that the deaths took place on different days and the age group is also different. “We visited the place and as per the joint orders, we have constituted a team… 10 teams of medical.
“We visited the place and as per the joint orders, we have constituted a team… 10 teams of medical professionals have also been formed… We have inspected the houses of the deceased. We will be able to say anything after the report comes. The deaths took place on different days and the age group is also different…” Bettiah SP told reporters.
However, locals and villagers have claimed that the deaths have happened due to spurious liquor consumption. As per the villagers, some empty pouches and bottles of liquor have also been found in the area.