On Wednesday Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said while addressing an event in Raipur, “Illegal migration is becoming a major challenge for India”. Speaking at an interaction with students from NIT Raipur, IIT Bhilai, and IIM Raipur on the theme “Ideas for Building a Better Bharat,” Dhankhar highlighted the impact of illegal migration on the country’s electoral system and resources.
He said, “We are facing illegal migration involving millions of people. If you count their numbers, it is mind-boggling. This issue is growing into an unmanageable problem”. Dhankhar expressed concern over the influence of illegal migrants on elections, he said, “No nation can tolerate this. Millions of illegal migrants have the potential to disrupt our electoral system. They find easy supporters, and this creates serious challenges for the democratic process.”
“When people think in terms of petty politics, we must always put the nation first. An illegal migrant in a country has no justification. VP said, “If it is in millions, look at the impact it has on our economy. They strain our resources, our employment, our health sector, and our education sector. A resolution to this monstrous problem of illegal migrants in millions can no longer bear solution”.
Dhankhar also encouraged the youth to hold public representatives accountable. Answering a student’s question, he said, “Our nation needs quality politicians. If your public representatives are disrupting instead of engaging in dialogue, it’s a problem. Use social media and other platforms to generate pressure on them to do their duty.”
Expressing his concern over demographic explosions and orchestrated conversions, Dhankhar said, “Threats are emerging for our Nationalism in the form of demographic disruptions. Demographic disruption is very serious. Organic demographic evolution is soothing and harmonious, but if the demographic explosion takes place, only to destabilize democracy, it’s a matter of concern”.