Following the tragic stampede at the Sangam during Maha Kumbh , which took 30 lives and left over 60 injured, the Yogi government has taken major steps to improve crowd management and ensure smooth arrangements for the upcoming snan days. The entire Maha Kumbh Mela area has now been declared a No-Vehicle Zone to prevent overcrowding and ease movement.
The incident happened in the early hours of Wednesday when a massive crowd of pilgrims broke the barricades and rushed towards Sangam to take a holy dip on Mauni Amavasya, considered one of the most auspicious days of Kumbh Mela. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a high-level meeting and issued strict guidelines to improve crowd control, traffic flow, and inter-department coordination.
The CM has also deployed Ashish Goyal, who was Divisional Commissioner of Prayagraj during Kumbh 2019, and Bhanu Goswami, former Vice Chairman of ADA, for better arrangements at the Kumbh Mela. The administration has introduced several changes to manage the crowd at the gathering, as the next big auspicious day to take a dip in Sangam is near on February 3rd, Basant Panchami.
1. No-Vehicle Zone Declared: Entry of all vehicles is strictly prohibited in the entire Maha Kumbh area to prevent congestion.
2. No VVIP Passes Allowed: VVIP passes have been cancelled; no one will be allowed to bring vehicles inside the fair area.
3. One-Way Routes Enforced: A one-way traffic system has been introduced to control crowd movement and prevent rush.
4. Vehicles Stopped at District Borders: Four-wheelers from neighboring districts are being stopped at Prayagraj borders to reduce congestion.
5. Deployment of Kumbh 2019 Officials: Ashish Goyal and Bhanu Goswami have been brought in to manage arrangements, based on their experience from Kumbh 2019.