The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched an attack on AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal for sharing an edited video of Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini drinking water from the Yamuna River. The BJP accused Kejriwal of manipulating the video and challenged him to “try drinking Yamuna water from Delhi’s side.”
In a post shared on X, the BJP released both the edited version of the video, shared by Kejriwal and the original unaltered video. The BJP claimed that the version shared by Kejriwal was doctored to mislead the public.
The tweet, written in Hindi and translated to English, read, “Kejriwal, take off the glasses of lies and deceit and watch the video again and if you have the courage then try drinking the water of Yamuna from Delhi’s side. The deceitful Kejriwal is setting records of the vilest statements ever made in the political world. Kejriwal ji, you yourself are the ungrateful son of Haryana and you know that the people of Haryana earn virtue by giving water to even animals and birds. Lakhs of families from Haryana have settled in Delhi, now only a deranged person like you can make such vile statements. We consider Yamuna as our mother and drink its water. But people like you, who are used to spitting on every truth, can only see that. Goswami Tulsidas ji has rightly written that “As is one’s feeling, so is his perception upon seeing the Lord’s image.”
The political debate over Delhi’s water crisis was highlighted on Monday when Kejriwal accused the Haryana government of engaging in “biological warfare.” In a post on X, Kejriwal alleged that “poison is being mixed into the Yamuna to make its water untreatable.” He warned that if Delhi residents consumed this water, “many will die,” calling it “mass murder.”
In response, Haryana Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Vipul Goel announced that the state government would file a case against Kejriwal for his “poison in Yamuna” comment. Goel criticized Kejriwal’s statement as an “irresponsible” remark that was designed to spread panic. “Kejriwal has made an irresponsible statement, spreading fear among the people of Delhi and Haryana. The Haryana government will get a case registered against him in the CJM Court in Sonipat under the Disaster Management Act,” Goel said. The relevant provision of the Act pertains to making or circulating false warnings about disasters that could cause panic.