On Thursday, Sitapur Congress MP Rakesh Rathore was arrested from his residence in a rape case, a day following the Allahabad High Court rejected his anticipatory bail plea. Rathore was addressing a press conference when Kotwali Nagar police reached his residence to take him into custody. The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court rejected his anticipatory bail petition on Wednesday and directed him to surrender. Earlier, the MP-MLA court in Sitapur had dismissed his anticipatory bail application on January 23.
Meanwhile, Rathore surrendered before the Police. “The High Court granted me 2-week time to appear before Lower Court and follow the legal procedure. So, I am surrendering before the Police in this connection. I am confident that I will get justice in the court of people and court of law. The matter is subjudice before the court, so it will not be correct to speak on it”, Rathore told reporters.
#WATCH | Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh: Congress MP Rakesh Rathore, accused in a rape case filed against him, surrendered before Police today.
He says, "The High Court granted me 2-week time to appear before Lower Court and follow the legal procedure. So, I am surrendering before the… pic.twitter.com/gpxAfnwqza
— ANI (@ANI) January 30, 2025
An FIR was lodged against Rathore on January 17 on a complaint by a woman who accused him of repeatedly raping her over four years following promising to marry her. The woman has also submitted call records and recordings to the police. On January 22, the survivor’s husband filed a separate complaint against five individuals, alleging that MP Rakesh Rathore and his son were pressuring their family to settle the case.
He further claimed that Rathore’s associates had made objectionable remarks about his wife on social media. Sitapur Police had registered a case against five individuals under relevant sections of the BNS Act and Section 67 of the IT Act for disclosing her identity online. Before joining the Congress party, Rathore had contested the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections as both a BJP candidate and an Independent. Previously, he was linked to the Bahujan Samaj Party, led by former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati .