Atleast 150 Hindu families in Sharma Toli of Shadipur Bhutha village in Baisi block of Purnia are struggling. According to the media reports, the Muslim side has blocked the path to their homes. The people struggle to reach their homes due to Muslim settlements and their private land all around the village.
The situation has become worse that the sons and daughters of these families have been struggling to even get married. Even the sick people cannot be taken to the hospital. Villagers said that earlier they used to come and go by private road, but now a 100 meter long road has been closed due to a small piece of 12 dismil land.
According to the media reports, the Local people said that they had given one lakh rupees to the land owner for the road, so that the problem could be solved. However under pressure from the Muslim community, that money was returned and the road access was not provided. These people are completely surrounded due to the road being closed from all sides.
The villagers also stated that the Muslim side prevents them from performing puja and playing loudspeakers. They said that this is also restricting their religious freedom. Local Hindus first appealed to the SDM court.
Local Santosh Kumar said, “The need for a road was acknowledged in the investigation conducted by SDM Madam and CO Sahab. The SDM gave a verdict in favour of the affected families, but the civil court overturned that decision.”
Santosh Kumar says that the Muslim side has adopted an aggressive stance. Earlier, the land owners had agreed and the decision was made to give money in exchange for the land. They even took Rs 1 lakh, but due to pressure from other Muslims, they returned the money and don’t want to grant access to the road. Santosh Kumar says that the local Muslims are showing arrogance. They are not being heard even at the police station.
Baisi SDM Kumari Tausi says that it is clearly written in the law that if more than 100 families live at a place, then no one can block their access road. There are more than 150 families here but the problem is not being solved. He said that letters were written many times to the police station and the zonal officer in this matter, but no action was taken.