In a high-stakes political battle ground, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is finalizing on seat-sharing arrangements in Maharashtra, a state that holds the distinction of sending the second-highest number of Members of Parliament to the Lok Sabha. The three key partners in this alliance – the BJP, Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena, and Ajit Pawar’s NCP – are in negotiations, each vying for a higher number of seats than the others are willing to concede.
Prompting a late-night meeting on Tuesday, chaired by BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who engaged with leaders from the other parties. The meeting, commencing around 10:15 pm, witnessed initial discussions between Mr. Shah, Deputy Chief Minister Pawar, and BJP leader and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. Subsequently, talks between the Home Minister and Chief Minister Shinde unfolded over the next 50 minutes.
Among the 48 Lok Sabha seats at stake in Maharashtra, the BJP is pressing for 30 seats, aiming to achieve national targets of 370 seats and elevate the NDA tally to 400. However, discontent arises from the proposed allocation of 12 seats to the Shiv Sena and six to the NCP, as both partners within the Mahayuti alliance express dissatisfaction.
Chief Minister Shinde, asserting control over the Shiv Sena symbol and name, advocates for 23 seats, reflecting the undivided Shiv Sena’s 2019 Lok Sabha contestation. Failing that, a compromise of 18 seats, mirroring the party’s previous electoral success, is reportedly acceptable to Shinde and his party.
NCP has demanded 10 Lok Sabha seats, despite securing only four in 2019. While consensus on most seats is emerging, ten constituencies, including Kalyan, South Mumbai, and Maval, remain contentious points. In Kalyan, Chief Minister Shinde’s son, Shrikant Shinde, currently holds the seat, but the local BJP unit seeks to contest.