Detectives from the National Investigation Agency (NIA), Bengaluru, have announced a reward of Rs 10 lakh for any information leading to the arrest of the accused person involved in the Rameshwaram Cafe bomb blasts case. The public is urged to come forward with any leads by contacting the NIA through phone at 080-29510900/8904241100 or via email at Assurances have been provided that the identities of informants will remain confidential.
The twin blasts at The Rameshwaram Cafe, which occurred last Friday between 12.50 pm and 1 pm, left 10 individuals injured. Among the injured were customers who had visited the Cafe for lunch. The NIA has shared a photograph of the suspect on their social media account ‘X’, seeking assistance from the public in identifying and apprehending the individual responsible for the heinous act.
Based on surveillance footage, the accused person is believed to be around 35 years old, and during the attack, he concealed his identity by wearing a face mask and a cap. The investigation revealed that the suspect arrived at the Cafe via bus, where he consumed Rava Idli before leaving behind a bag containing hidden explosives. The bombs were set on a timer to detonate approximately an hour later, causing extensive damage with an impact radius of about 10 feet.
Following the incident, a joint team comprising sleuths from the National Security Guards and the Central Crime Branch, Bengaluru, alongside NIA detectives, conducted an inspection of the blast site. The Rameshwaram Cafe has since been sealed off by the investigating authorities as part of ongoing efforts to gather evidence and track down the perpetrator.
The NIA’s announcement of the reward underscores the seriousness with which law enforcement agencies are treating the case. The cooperation of the public is deemed crucial in swiftly bringing the suspect to justice and preventing any further acts of terrorism. As the investigation progresses, authorities remain vigilant in their efforts to ensure the safety and security of citizens.