In a recent development, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has filed a fresh plea in the Delhi High Court, requesting protection from any coercive action by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). This move comes amidst ongoing summonses issued by the ED in connection with the alleged ‘liquor policy scam’. The matter is scheduled to be heard by a division bench led by Justice Suresh Kumar Kait this morning.
Kejriwal’s decision not to appear before the ED on Wednesday, citing apprehension of arrest especially with elections looming, has stirred further controversy.
The court, in response to Kejriwal’s absence from ED questioning, sought clarification from the Chief Minister. Kejriwal has consistently challenged the legality of the summonses and has declined to cooperate with the agency. He reiterated his stance, emphasizing the need for protection against coercive measures while expressing readiness to participate in the investigation..
The Chief Minister emphasized his willingness to engage with the investigation but emphasized the necessity of safeguards against arbitrary action, affirming his commitment to due process and legal recourse.
The case remains ongoing, with Kejriwal’s plea highlighting the intersection of legal and political dimensions, particularly given the upcoming elections.