In Baltimore, a devastating incident occurred as the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed, resulting in the presumed deaths of six workers. Divers, alongside crews, are engaged in the challenging task of removing the steel and concrete debris from the fallen bridge.
On Easter Sunday, amidst the ongoing operation, Reverend Ako Walker held a Mass to reflect on the lives lost, emphasizing the need to improve the treatment of migrant workers in the United States. The workers hailed from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, highlighting the diverse backgrounds of those affected.
The bridge collapse occurred early Tuesday when the cargo ship Dali experienced power and control failure. While efforts were made to prevent further casualties, four workers remain missing, their bodies presumed to be submerged amidst the wreckage.
Salvage teams are diligently working to remove debris from the river, with each part of the bridge being lifted onto barges for inspection. Governor Wes Moore stresses the importance of the National Transportation Safety Board investigation to prevent future incidents and hold accountable those responsible.
The crew of the Dali, managed by Synergy Marine Group, remains onboard the vessel, which is entangled in thousands of tons of debris. Meanwhile, efforts are underway to reopen the Port of Baltimore and rebuild the vital bridge, completed in 1977.
President Joe Biden’s administration has pledged full support for the reconstruction, but the timeline remains uncertain as engineers assess the extent of damage to surrounding infrastructure. Congress is expected to consider aid packages for affected individuals and businesses.
Mayor Brandon Scott underscores the national significance of the tragedy, emphasizing the impact on the global economy. In response, the Small Business Administration will provide support to affected businesses through loan assistance programs.
Reverend Walker, while acknowledging the tragedy, calls for compassion and unity, urging communities to support migrant workers striving to improve their lives and contribute to society.
As Baltimore mourns the loss of lives and grapples with the aftermath of the bridge collapse, the city remains resilient, rallying together in the face of adversity.