In a recent development, a case of sexual harassment has been officially filed against BJP leader G Devaraje Gowda from Hassan. The complaint, lodged by a 36-year-old woman from the district, accuses Gowda, an advocate, of molesting her under the guise of assisting her with property sales. The First Information Report (FIR) was lodged on April 1, but details have only now surfaced following Gowda’s whistleblowing in the case involving Prajwal Revanna, a JD(S) candidate.
Devaraje Gowda previously alerted BJP leadership to allegations of sexual abuse against Prajwal Revanna, the grandson of former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda and a Lok Sabha poll candidate from Hassan. Last year, Gowda cautioned against offering Revanna a ticket due to these accusations. However, despite the warnings, BJP formed an alliance with JD(S).
Furthermore, Devaraje Gowda, who contested against Prajwal’s father, H D Revanna, in the 2023 assembly elections, implicated the Congress leadership in Karnataka for leaking videos related to the alleged sexual abuse cases.
Both Prajwal Revanna and his father, H D Revanna, have faced accusations, with the latter being accused in cases of molestation and abduction.
As of now, G Devaraje Gowda has not provided any comment on the allegations made against him.